The Invention of the Chi Generator® by Karl Hans Welz
led to a Revolution of Life Energy Technologies for Body and Mind
Space Communications and Technologies International, Atlanta,
BEC - Bio Energy Corporation - Budapest, Hungary
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Use Your Chi Generator® for Fitness and Body Building |
The best devices for these workouts and body building exercises are the PCHD 2400 and the Performer 2400. If budget is an issue, devices of the JU series are excellent alternatives! Ask for a set of Chi-Cards®, which is very easy to carry in your clothing that you are wearing during your times in a gym or for other training. Another ideal structural connection is your genetic code: put a hair with follicle onto your Chi Generator®. Remove this link after training. Equipment: examples of frequencies of the PCHD Click here for additional information about the AO 2000 Aqua Optimizer and how it can help you in fitness, weight control and sports.